
March 8, 2021

By Gregory Coles. This blog post is adapted from an excerpt of Greg’s new book No Longer Strangers. Used with permission 


I am not, in the physiological sense of the word, a eunuch...

March 1, 2021

By Gregory Coles. This blog post is adapted from an excerpt of Greg’s new book No Longer Strangers. Used with permission.


I often hear the accusation that celibate gay Christians...

February 18, 2021

By Gregory Coles. This blog post is adapted from an excerpt of Greg’s new book No Longer Strangers. Used with permission.


How am I supposed to go church-hunting as an openly gay...

February 9, 2021

By Dr. Paul R. Eddy and Dr. Preston Sprinkle. 

In September, we posted a piece on the controversy involving the Tavistock’s London-based Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), the...

February 1, 2021

My book Embodied drops today, and I’m both nervous and excited to see how it’s received. The first question people ask me when I mention this book is, why did you write Embodied? My answer is...

January 25, 2021

The following post is taking from my book Embodied: Transgender Identities, the Church, and What the Bible Has to Say, chapters 5 and 6.

The story of Joseph (Gen...

January 18, 2021

By Preston Sprinkle, President of the Center for Faith, Sexuality, and Gender


Understanding the importance of language is crucial in the LGBTQ conversation, and the transgender...

January 11, 2021

By Preston Sprinkle, President of the Center for Faith, Sexuality, and Gender

It just so happened that Deborah Soh’s book, The End of Gender, came out just a weeks after Abigail Shrier’s...

January 4, 2021

Writing a book is hard work. Writing a book on a controversial topic is even harder. Writing a book on transgender identities—especially as someone who doesn’t identify as trans*—has...

December 28, 2020

By Preston Sprinkle, President of the Center for Faith, Sexuality, and Gender.


Abigail Shrier’s book Irreversible Damage has created quite a stir. When it was first released in...

December 21, 2020
By Preston Sprinkle, President of the Center for Faith, Sexuality, and Gender.

We’re so familiar with the Christmas story that we hardly notice its scandal. But think about the scenario. Mary was...

September 23, 2020

By Dr. Paul R. Eddy and Dr. Preston Sprinkle. 

The cultural tensions surrounding transgender experience are evident. But no aspect of the transgender discussion has ignited more...