By Gregory Coles. Greg holds a PhD from Penn State, is a Senior Research Fellow at The Center, and is the author of Single, Gay, Christian, No Longer Strangers, and The Limits of My...
Written by Steven Lympus. Steven holds a Master of Divinity from Regent College and is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA). He works as Revoice’s Director of Community...
By Gregory Coles. Greg holds a PhD from Penn State, is a Senior Research Fellow at The Center, and is the author of Single, Gay, Christian, No Longer Strangers, and The Limits of My World.
By Preston Sprinkle. Preston is the author of several books, including Embodied and Does the Bible Support Same-Sex Marriage?, and serves as President of The Center for Faith, Sexuality &...
By Gregory Coles. Greg holds a PhD from Penn State, is a Senior Research Fellow at The Center, and is the author of Single, Gay, Christian, No Longer Strangers, and The Limits of My...
By Melissa Russell. Melissa is a mom of three adult kids, an interviewee for the Parenting LGBTQ Kids video series, and a group facilitator for Helping Parents Love.
By Tony Scarcello. Tony is a church planter, writer, and the pastor of Open Table Church in Eugene, Oregon. He regularly speaks all over the country, helping churches and leaders think biblically...
By Preston Sprinkle. Preston is the author of several books, including Embodied and Does the Bible Support Same-Sex Marriage?, and serves as President of The Center for Faith, Sexuality &...