*The following post is written by Greg Coles. Greg is a Ph.D. student at Penn State and is part of the collaborative team for The Center. Greg is also the author of the recently released book...
In my previous blog, I argued that the debate about same-sex marriage is not a secondary issue. To be clear, I didn't thereby say that it's necessarily a "gospel issue" (the phrase can be sloppy)...
That may sound like a bold claim, and maybe it is, but it’s important that you read the previous post before you read this one. In short, there are many methodological questions that often go...
I hear this question quite often, and my response—which is frustrating to some—is always the same. What do you mean by primary and secondary, and how do you determine what is primary and secondary...
What a weird week in Evangelicaland. Yesterday, Eugene Peterson was interviewed about his recent and final book, As Kingfishers Catch Fire, and somehow the interview was steered into a discussion...
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably already heard the news. Pastor, scholar, writer, and professor Eugene Peterson has apparently changed his view on same-sex relations and marriage. I’ll...
I really don’t like labels, but sometimes they are necessary. In the LGBT+ conversation, labels are particularly problematic. They try to stuff complex topics into a single word (or phrase), which...
*The following post is by a friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous. He's a conservative Christian who experiences same-sex attraction. He grew up in the church, but due to his struggle he...
1. Avoid the phrase “the gays” and the term “homosexual.” If you’re a white male and don’t like to be called “white boy,” then you should not refer to gay people as “the gays.” And if you take...
I want you to meet a rather unique couple. Their names are Sarah and Lindsey, but don’t form your opinions too quickly. Yes, Sarah and Lindsey are partners. Yes, they are attracted to the same sex...
A “mixed orientation marriage” is where one spouse is straight while the other opposite-sex spouse is attracted to the same sex. History has seen many such marriages end in much pain and confusion...