One of the most frequent questions we receive from pastor’s is: How do we actually do this? That is, how do we move from ideas to implementation? That question drove us back to...
Hey friends!
I can’t tell you how excited I am to announce that Grace/Truth 2.0 is now available! After many months of writing, editing, rethinking, rewriting, consulting, and more writing, editing...
Colby Martin is a pastor and church planter in San Diego, CA, and he has written an engaging book on “Rethinking Our Misuse of the Bible on Homosexuality.” The book is half memoir and half Bible...
A recent study of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria—the first of its kind—has created waves across the internet. Some transgender activists are outraged over it; others on the political right are using...
My previous two posts (PART ONE and PART TWO) explored the complexity of sexual orientation, showing that the rigid categories of gay, straight, and bisexual aren’t as rigid as many people assume...
In the previous post, we saw that measuring sexual orientation is much more complicated than people realize. Sexual orientation is, in the words of Rebecca Jordan-Young, a “great example of a ‘...
What I’m saying in this post regarding sexual desire is pretty simple, but it’s difficult for people to swallow. I’m saying that sexual fulfillment does not come through a...
There’s been a lot of talk over the last few weeks about the upcoming Revoice conference. Revoice is a conference and community for LGBT+/SSA Christians—Christians who...
The following is a guest post by Bridget Eileen, a celibate lesbian who writes about Christian sexuality and LGBT+ issues in the church. Read more about her...
Gregory Coles is on the Collaborative Team for The Center. His academic research on rhetorics of marginality (how language works in society for disadvantaged groups) has appeared in or is...