Grace is a dangerous topic. We want to domesticate it, calm it down, and stuff it into a blue blazer and a pair of khakis. But biblical grace—or charis—doesn’t like to settle down. Grace is a dangerous topic because the Bible is a dangerous book.
Scandalous Grace flows from the author’s half dozen years of teaching the Old Testament to college students. You might think that would produce a book about judgment – but he shows how every character, every event, every single page of the Old Testament bleeds grace. Rather than looking for heroes to emulate – readers discover a gracious God who loves to redeem the unredeemable.
Named by Outreach Magazine as the culture resource of the year, People to Be Loved explores what the Bible says about homosexuality in a thorough yet down to earth way. It also addresses many of the practical and pastoral questions about the church and LGBTQ people.
A biblical and practical guide through the LGBT conversation, written for teens but not exclusively for teens. Living in the Gray World discusses what the Bible says about sexuality and gender, and helps younger Christians navigate the LGBTQ conversation with clarity and grace.
While Christian debates about homosexuality are most often dominated by biblical exegesis, this book seeks to give much-needed attention to the rich history of received Christian tradition, bringing the Bible into conversation with historical and systematic theology. To that end, both theologians and biblical scholars—well accomplished in their fields and conversant in issues of sexuality and gender—articulate and defend each of the two views.
Compassionate, biblical, and thought-provoking, Embodied is an accessible guide for Christians who want help navigating issues related to the transgender conversation. Preston Sprinkle draws on Scripture as well as real-life stories of individuals struggling with gender dysphoria to help readers understand the complexities and emotions of this highly relevant topic.