Dr. Julia Sadusky is a postdoctoral fellow at EDCare in Denver, CO. She also serves as a youth and ministry educator, offering trainings and consultations on mission life, ministry wellness, and the intersection of sexuality, gender, and theology. Dr. Sadusky completed her doctoral internship at Biola University Counseling Center in La Mirada, CA, offering individual, group, and family therapy, and outreach events to Biola students. She also served as a liaison to the LGBT group on Biola's campus. She obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from Ave Maria University and completed her doctorate through the Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology at Regent University. At Regent, her research experiences and clinical training focused on the study of sexual and gender identity. Her dissertation focused on the experience of loneliness in Christian sexual minorities who have committed to celibacy. Recent publications include "Approaching Gender Dysphoria" (Grove Ethics), and "A Christian View of Sex Reassignment Surgery and Hormone Therapy” (The Center for Faith, Sexuality and Gender). She and Dr. Mark Yarhouse are currently working on a book titled Emerging Gender Identities (forthcoming from Brazos Press) and she is a fellow of the Sexual & Gender Identity Institute in Wheaton, IL.