Webinar: Sex, Gender, and Organic Gospel Conversations

Webinar: Sex, Gender, and Organic Gospel Conversations
Oct 30
, 2024

Join us live or watch the recording on demand!

  • Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2024 
  • Time: 11am - 12:30pm Pacific (2pm - 3:30pm Eastern)
  • Primary Audience: Pastors, church leaders, thoughtful Christians
  • Cost: $20

How do we have meaningful, organic conversations about Jesus with our friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues? For many of us, this question is already hard enough to answer—but it can seem even more challenging when the person we’re talking to is LGBTQ or experiences same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria. We might feel like we don’t know how to start a deep conversation with someone who has this experience. Or maybe we’re afraid that, once we dig into the conversation, we’ll run into a difficult question or comment and won’t know how to respond. In this webinar we’ll tackle these challenges with Heather and Ash Holleman, coauthors of the book Sent: Living a Life that Invites Others to Jesus. Heather is also the author of the recently released The Six Conversations: Pathways to Connecting in an Age of Isolation and Incivility. Drawing from these two books, Heather and Ash will help us move past fear and into connection, seeing differences in sexuality or gender identity not as obstacles to relationship but as opportunities for curiosity, genuine learning, and meaningful gospel interaction!


October 30

  • 11:00am Webinar Begins
  • 12:30pm Webinar Ends

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